This post first appeared on Instagram. I would love for you to follow along there!
Most mornings, my alarm goes off at 4:30 and I begrudgingly roll out of bed to make a bleary-eyed pot of coffee and squeeze in the world’s quickest workout before getting myself and all things ready for the day. I have two toddlers, and I spend my day-to-day in a bustling classroom of 5th graders. Most of the time, it seems that these 30-45 minutes are the only moments of peace I see throughout the day.
At 6:30, the girls wake up and it’s off to the races. I know I won’t have to do this forever, but the mornings feel like they’re just getting crazier, so I don’t think it’s going to let up anytime soon.
Some mornings I am a rockstar and find myself ready to go 10 minutes early, even on a hair washing day! Other mornings I forget to rinse my conditioner out and realize once it’s far too late to do anything about it.
Some mornings I’m so grateful to still be nursing my youngest at 15 months old. Other mornings I’m ready for her to wean so I can have just 10 more minutes to do all the things.
Some mornings my babies sleep as late as I need them to to get everything done. Other mornings they wake up an hour early and I have audience while I put on my makeup.
Some mornings I have to coax my 2 year old awake with gentle strokes on her cheek. Other mornings I hear the words, “Mama! I need teetee!” and it could really go either way if that is an honest assessment, or if she’s just ready to get out of bed early.
Some mornings I drink coffee and spend a few minutes with Jesus and feel so ready to face the day. Other mornings I cover up on the couch and go back to sleep for just 10 more minutes.
But every morning, I am blessed. With a job to wake up for, a strong body to take care of, and a family to make eggs for. I look around and remember I have everything I’ve ever prayed for. I’m overwhelmed with gratitude for this life God has afforded me. Someday, when mornings are a little less crazy, when my kids can dress themselves and get their own breakfast, when I can sleep a little later and still get to work on time, I might miss these days.
I’ll miss looking into my baby’s eyes as she takes that morning nurse. I’ll miss hearing “All done night night!” when I turn the lights on in the toddler’s room. I’ll miss the endless chatter about red lights and “go dogs go, it’s green ahead” as we drive to school in the dark. I’ll miss this stage of tiny humans and everything it takes to keep our world moving. And if I’m being honest, sometimes I miss it already.
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