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I’m recapping last week’s workouts and sharing some ideas on REST. Join as I share lessons learned and how I’m moving forward.
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Here we are facing the last Monday of October! It’s insane to think that I have just three weeks until Thanksgiving break. Being a teacher, my brain runs on an academic calendar, so I feel like the year is flying by. To be honest though, all of 2018 has felt that way for me! Has it for you too? I’ve always heard that as you get older time seems to pass at an alarming rate. So far, that theory is holding true.
Today, I’m sharing last week’s workouts, but first, I have a few words I’d like to say on the topic of rest!
On Rest
Rest is essential. I think we all understand that. Sleep plays a huge role in helping us meet our goals because that’s when our muscles repair themselves and grow. However, rest doesn’t just mean getting to bed on time. Rest can mean resting your mind, or even taking a step back from your training intensity. What’s most important is that you listen to your body and give it the rest it needs when it needs it.
Personally, I have been in a period lately of requiring more rest. For many, many years, I have been a member of the 5 a.m. club, getting up before the sun and knocking my workout out before the rest of my day. I still prefer this method, but my body is asking for a break. Waking up super early sometimes means getting less sleep than is ideal and I’m tired of sacrificing that. For the next few weeks, I’ll be transitioning to afternoon/evening workouts in an effort to give my body the rest it needs. Plus, this means I have an excuse to not stay at work any longer than I have to. Kind of a win, if you ask me.
Last Week’s Workouts
Sunday, 10/21/18:
Rest day.
Monday, 10/22/18:
For the first time in… I truly don’t know how long, I woke up at my usual time on Monday and shortly crawled back in bed for more sleep. My body was telling me a morning workout just wasn’t going to happen that day!
After school, I came home and did a cardio kickboxing workout–a perfect Monday sweat.
Related: Things My Husband Says: Part 2
Tuesday, 10/23/18:
Tuesday, I did manage to get up at my regular time for some yoga and lower body work, and it was a nice way to start the day, though I still would’ve liked to have stayed in bed.
Wednesday, 10/24/18:
By Wednesday, I’d decided that I would transition to afternoons, so after school I hit lower body again and followed it with some stretching.
Thursday, 10/25/18:
Rest day.
Friday, 10/26/18:
Friday, I did something I never do–I took a personal day. I could tell that my mind needed to rest as well. I spent some time laying on the couch depleting the DVR before getting in some mid-morning shoulders and cardio.
Related: How to Begin a Fitness Journey When You Don’t Know How
Saturday, 10/27/18:
Friday was a late night, but of course I couldn’t sleep in on Saturday. I laid on the couch for as long as I could before heading to the workout room for arms and abs.
Did you miss anything on the blog last week? Catch up now! Friday, I shared my monthly adios with Five Things I Loved in October + Mug Love Exchange. #SpoilerAlert, Jess sent me the sweetest package! Wednesday, I shared some goodness with my fellow teachers in 5 Strategies for Differentiating Instruction. Teachers, check it out! And of course, I kicked off the week as usual with another Last Week’s Workouts installment.
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